Russian Superstitions for Every Day of the Week
How is your work week going so far? Now that понедельник (Monday) is over, things should be getting easier, right? Well, let’s look at some Russian приметы (omens) and суеверия (superstitions) for each day of the week.
Понедельник - Monday
Russians know that понедельник – день тяжёлый (Monday is a difficult day). So it’s best not to start any new важное дело (important undertaking) or set out on путешествие (journey) on a Monday. Instead of trying начать новую жизнь (to get a fresh start) on Monday, you are better off sneezing. Чихать (to sneeze) on a Monday means you’ll be getting a gift later in the week.
Гости пришли в понедельник? (Did guests visit on Monday?) Then expect guests every day for the rest of the week.
Вторник – Tuesday
Now is the time to make major changes in your life and to start new ventures. It’s a great day for travel too. The only time you should be really careful is вечер вторника (Tuesday evening) and only if you feel like you need занять денег (to borrow money). Don’t do it.
Среда – Wednesday
Whatever you do on a Wednesday, do not move в новый дом или квартиру (into a new house or an apartment). Переезд (moving to a new place) on this day is bound to bring bad luck.
Четверг – Thursday
Это самый лёгкий день недели (It is the easiest day of the week). Do whatever it is you need to get done. Make this day even more awesome by getting up and washing your face до восхода солнца (before sunrise). You will обеспечить себе (assure for yourself) both чистота (cleanliness) and здоровье (health).
Пятница – Friday
If you are thinking about уборка в доме (cleaning the house) for the upcoming weekend, forget about it until after mid-day. In fact, nothing should be done on Friday that is considered женская работа (woman’s work), including рукоделие (crafts).
Суббота - Saturday
Если вы начнёте новое дело в субботу, то и будете его делать только по субботам (If you start something new on a Saturday, you will continue doing it on Saturdays only).
Воскресенье – Sunday
Если рано завтракать в воскресенье, это приведёт к скорым слезам (Eating breakfast early on a Sunday will lead to tears in no time). On a different note, you should not стричь ногти (clip nails) on this day or else you will lose not just деньги (money), but also счастье (happiness).
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