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Our House - Наш дом. Russian for foreigners

12 ноября 2014

Today we are going to learn the names of the rooms inside a house and lots of useful terms and expressions on the topic.

Interestingly, at the beginning of the 20th century most Russians lived in the county and Russia was an agricultural nation. Nowadays most Russian people live in apartments. Most of these apartments have just 1-3 rooms including the bedroom.

However a lot of Russians would prefer to live in their own house. So as the population gets wealthier we should see a growing tendency of people moving from the packed big cities to the peaceful countryside.

Useful vocabulary

Слева (от) = left, to the left

Налево = to the left

Справа (от) = right , to the right

Направо = to the right

Перед = in front of, before

За = behind

Над = above

Под = under

C другой стороны = from the other side

На другой стороне = on the other side

Рядом (с) = near, next to

Квартира = apartment

Дом = house

Особняк = mansion

Окно = window

Кухня = kitchen

Гостиная = living room

Спальня = bedroom

Прихожая = hall

Большой = big

Уютный = cozy

Светлый = light

Удобный = comfortable

Useful expressions

Где у вас спальня?

Where is your bedroom?

Кто живёт в этой комнате?

Who lives in this room?

Чья это комната?

Whose room is this?


Come in. (informal)

Добро пожаловать (в)

Welcome (to)

Рад вас видеть.

Glad to see you. (said by a male)

Что-то находится где-то

Something is located somewhere

Очень удобно работать дома.

It's very comfortable to work from home.

Пойдёмте на кухню

Let's go to the kitchen. (said to a group of people)

С удовольствием.

With pleasure.

Мне нравится кухня.

I like the kitchen.

Мне понравилась кухня.

I liked the kitchen.

Сколько комнат?

How many rooms?

Как тебе наш дом?

How do you like our house?

Поздравляю вас с новосельем!

Congratulations on the new house (apartment)!

Source: masterrussian.com

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