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Tips to help you learn Russian

23 декабря 2015

русский для иностранцевWe recommend that you try and immerse yourself in the language. Bookmark this site, and take a new lesson whenever possible. Here are some more ideas that might help you learn.

You should practice writing and speaking Russian. Even if you are only speaking to yourself. It will help it to stay in your memory.

After you have done a lesson, review it that night. If you review something on the same day, you are more likely to remember it. Particularly if you do it before you go to sleep.

Through-out the day, when you say something in English, try to think how you would say it in Russian.

Try printing out lessons and putting them in places where you will see them, for example in the toilet, in the shower (where it won't get wet), or at your desk at work.

Keep your lesson notes with you. Review them whenever you are bored or waiting for something. For example on a train, or in someone’s car. You could even try making small flash-cards with a Russian word on one side, and the English on the other. Keep them in your pocket, and test yourself on a few words whenever you get the chance.

It is important to learn a word or phrase from ‘Russian to English’ as well as ‘English to Russian’. That way you will remember how to say it, not just recognise it when you hear it.

Most importantly, when you get the chance: Practice! Never be afraid to make mistakes. Everyone does! The people who make the most mistakes learn the most. Always try to explain what you want, even if it takes time. Even seek out Russians who can’t speak English and try to speak to them. You may not have the chance to practice at home, so if you travel to Russia practice as much as you can.

To learn Russian you must practice. In particular you must practice writing and speaking, so that you learn to express yourself. Otherwise only your reading will improve. You must write and speak!

Source: russianlessons.net

Russian for foreigners

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