Inside Russian Apartments
Russians commonly live in apartments rather than detached suburban housing that is common across many western countries. The main reason for this is that so many apartment blocks were built by the Soviet government. Apartment blocks are generally designed to have easy access to public transport, and generally have shared utility services such as centralised heating and hot water.
Many Russians also have access to a country holiday house, often on the outskirts of the city. These houses are known as ‘dachas’ (да́ча), and form an important part of Russian culture. It is estimated that about a quarter of Russian families living in large cities have dachas. Generally dachas are only used in summer due to lack of heating. It is common for Russians to have fruit and vegetable gardens at their dacha.
The aim of this lesson is to introduce the vocabulary that you will need when you are in a Russian home. This Russian lesson will simply include a list of vocabulary and sample sentences of each word. Try to memorise all the Russian words. Also practice using them in context by reading the sentences out loud.
Note: Some sentences may be a little advanced for you. There are still some concepts in Russian you have not learnt. Don’t worry! The aim of this lesson is to learn the vocabulary. We think it is best to see the words used in a real context, but there will be more grammar in later lessons.
General Vocabulary.
Квартира - Flat, Apartment.
Дом - Home, House
Дача - Country house. Summer house
Здание - Building
Мебель - Furniture
Сад - Garden.
Parts of a building.
Стена - Wall
Окно - Window
Пол - Floor
Потолок - Ceiling
Дверь - Door
Балкон - Balcony
Комната - Room
звонок, дверной звонок - door bell
лифт - lift, elevator.
пожарный выход - fire escape
Rooms (Комнаты)
Холл - hall
Коридор - corridor
Кухня - kitchen
Гостинная - living room, sitting room
Кабинет - study
Спальня - bedroom
Туалет - toilet
Ванная - bathroom
Детская комната - children’s room
Комната для гостей - guest room
Kitchen (Кухня)
Стул - chair
Стол - table
Плита - oven
Раковина - sink
Кран - tap
Горячая вода - hot water
Холодная вода - cold water
Тарелка - plate
Блюдце - saucer
Чашка - cup
Стакан - glass
Нож - knife
Вилка - fork
Ложка - spoon
Ложка для супа - soup spoon
Чайная ложка - tea spoon
Кастрюля - saucepan
Посудомоечная машина - dishwasher
Bedroom (Спальня)
Кровать - bed
Шкаф - cupboard
Прикроватный столик - bedside table
Лампа - lamp
Зеркало - mirror
Шифоньер - chiffonier
Ковер - carpet
Bathroom and Toilet (Ванная и Туалет)
Туалет - Toilet
Душ - Shower
Ванна - Bath
Стиральная машина - Washing machine
Зубная щетка - Toothbrush
Зубная паста - Toothpaste
Расческа - Comb
Щётка - Brush
Study (Кабинет)
Диван - Sofa
Кресло - Armchair
Компьютер - Computer
Книга - Book
Шкаф - Bookshelf
Телефон - Telephone
Computer (Компьютер)
Клавиатура - Keyboard
Монитор - Screen
Мышь - Mouse
Микрофон - Microphone
Модем - Modem
Камера - Camera
Принтер - Printer
Сканер - Scanner
Try and learn all the Russian vocabulary words in this lesson. There are a lot more Russian words in the examples. Hopefully you will start to learn some of these words in context. We suggest that you return to this lesson at a later stage in your learning and read through the examples again. You may wish to print this lesson, and cover up the English or Russian translations and see if you can translate the sentences for yourself.