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Russian Greetings

24 июня 2016

Learn how to say hello, hi and other common greetings in Russian. Find a phrase that best suits the time of the day, the gender of the speaker, and the formality of the situation. Also, watch video lessons for hello, how are you and good morning in Russian and learn greetings that you won't find in textbooks.

Russian English Comment
Здравствуйте! Hello! formal, at any time
Доброе утро. Good morning. before noon
Добрый день. Good afternoon. after noon
Добрый вечер. Good evening. after 6 pm
Привет. Hi. informal
Как поживаете? How are you? formal
Как поживаешь? How are you? informal
Прекрасно. А ты? Fine. And you? informal
Рад тебя видеть. Nice to see you. informal, said bymale
Рада тебя видеть. Nice to see you. informal, said byfemale
Рад Вас видеть. Nice to see you. formal, said by male
Рада Вас видеть. Nice to see you. formal, said byfemale
Я тоже рад Вас видеть. Nice to see you too. formal, said by male
Я тоже рада Вас видеть. Nice to see you too. formal, said byfemale
Что нового? What's new?
Как дела? How are you doing? rather informal
Как у Вас дела? How are you doing? formal
Спасибо, хорошо. Fine, thank you.
А у Вас? And you?
Так себе. So-so.
Как обычно. As usual.
Неплохо. Not so bad.
Плохо. Bad.

Source: masterrussian.com

Russian for foreigners

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