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Учим русский язык

8 мая 2019

This article is the first in a series about how to learn a foreign language. For the next few weeks, we'll be giving recommendations on quick, independent and effective learning of Russian. Special attention will be paid to listening comprehension, reading, spoken language, and script. Make sure to read all the issues before you plunge into your books and CDs.

First of all, we want to underline two inner factors of success: language abilities and desire to master a language.

Everybody is capable of mastering a foreign language no matter what his or her age is. Though language abilities vary a lot from person to person, there are no people who are completely incapable of learning another language. The fact is that such people (1) do not want to study hard, or (2) do not know how to organize their studies properly. In addition, one who knows his native language perfectly and can expresses his ideas precisely and grammatically correct will have more advantages.

Desire is an important ingredient of success. It can be caused by interest in learning a language. If you are interested in a language, or, in other words, love it, you will be much more satisfied by the process of learning and its results. Interest helps to concentrate attention, creates a wealth of associations when learning, sharpens perception, and makes reviewing easier.

On the other hand, your desire to master a language can be caused by another objective, such as professional necessity. This also moves you one step ahead. Therefore, you need to understand your objective. Just answer these two questions right now:

  1. Why do you want to learn Russian?
  2. What do you need it for?

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Source: masterrussian.com

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